Monday, November 21, 2005

Getting Ready to Deck the Halls

Yesterday I picked up a used scooter two towns over. It's in good condition, so I plan to shine it up and give it to the kiddo for Christmas. Of course, when he rides it I'll have to trot alongside him and make him wear his helmet, and then the thing will sit in the garage for another year before he really wants to use it (like the used bike I got him last year), but at least he'll be happy on Christmas. I'm glad he's still at the age where he doesn't notice that Santa sometimes brings used things. Hmm...maybe he'll even grow up to haunt Craigslist and the like, just as I do.

As for Thanksgiving, this year the kiddo will be with his dad. ("Child will spend Thanksgiving with the Father in odd-numbered years, and with the Mother in even-numbered years, from 9:00 a.m. Thursday to 9:00 a.m. Friday.") Because of the surrounding visitation schedule, this means he'll be with his dad from Wednesday night to Saturday night (coming home at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday). It's just three nights, which happens often, but it feels like a longer absence than usual because it takes place on days that I normally have him. I'll be driving up to my folks' house, so that'll be nice, but I will miss my little cherub. And yes, I hate this, but it's the way things are. Ah, I'll have to plan something fun for the two of us to do upon his return. Hey, maybe we should put up a few Christmas lights or something. I'm normally opposed to putting up the tree before the first weekend in December, but a few lights couldn't hurt, right? ;^)