Another One for Mommy's Macabre Memoirs
My son likes to hear stories of how I messed up as a kid, or of times I got hurt. I know, right? So in the car on the way home last night, my son piped up:
Kiddo: Mommy, does it hurt if your nail comes off?
Me: Well, yes.
Kiddo: Like, does it hurt a LOT?
Me: Um, yes. Why do you ask?
Kiddo: I was just wondering.
Me: Is your nail coming off?
Kiddo: No.
Me: Okay, but let's cut your nails tomorrow, okay?
Kiddo: Okay. But does it hurt a-lot-a-lot-a-lot if your nail comes off?
Me: Yep, if your whole nail comes off. (holding up my finger and showing him how big the nail really is) You know how I know?
Kiddo: How?
Me: Because when I was a kid, I was playing a game with another friend and, I think, Auntie _____, and my friend Karen asked if she could play, and I said no, and she threw her toy camera at me, and guess where it landed!
Kiddo: Where?
Me: Right on my pinky fingernail.
Kiddo: Right on your fingernail??
Me: Yup.
Kiddo: Then what happened?
Me: Well, it bled and it bled and it bled, and I cried a whole lot, and my friend's mom came out and wrapped my hand in a towel and then walked me home, and my mom put a big bandage on it, and I lay on the couch all afternoon with my hand up a little so it wouldn't hurt so much, and my friend who threw the camera had to come over and apologize to me.
Kiddo: Wow. That must've hurt.
Me: It did. And then it turned colors.
Kiddo: Like what colors?
Me: Like purple or blue...
Kiddo: And yellow?
Me: Yeah, but first green, then kinda yellow.
Kiddo: AGH!!
Me: Yeah, it was gross. And then you know what?
Kiddo: What?
Me: My nail fell off in about a week or so.
Me: Yeah, you're right about that.
Kiddo: So how did you get a new nail?
Me: It just grew back when it was ready, and now my finger looks just fine.
Kiddo: Oh.
Me: But you know how I said my friend had to come over and say sorry to me?
Kiddo: Yeah...
Me: Well, I didn't think about this when I was a kid, but when I got to be a grownup I realized I should've apologized to her, too, for telling her she couldn't play with us.
Kiddo: Yeah, why did you tell her that?
Me: I was being naughty.
Kiddo: Oh. But that doesn't mean she can just throw a camera at you!
Me: True...
Kiddo: I mean, she coulda killed ya! That coulda been the end of your life!
Me: (laughing as I explain that people don't die from Fisher-Price cameras...)