Thursday, December 10, 2009

Odds and Ends

I was sitting in the Target parking lot with a friend last night and we saw a homeless guy steal a Christmas tree out of their nursery. Not sure what to make of that.


Art class was WONDERFUL today! One little girl who was in the class last year said, "Miss K? I always remember: 'There's no wrong in art.'" Someone was listening to me last year! ;^) I told her she made my day. :-) Of course, this little girl was sitting next to another girl, and their drawings were identical. ;^) But hey...there's no wrong in art!


Yikes. Got ten charity request calls within 30 minutes today at the church. SCARY. At that rate, we won't be able to serve all the folks who apply from now until next week. I think our congregants would come through if we told them we had 100 families in need, but that would be five times our normal load. Must talk with the pastors tomorrow and figure out what to do...