Sunday, June 05, 2005

Interview Questions

Yay! I have, interviewees. ;^) Here goes...

Questions for emdot:

1. The question that won't go away: You are a superhero. Choose three superpowers, a costume and a theme song.

2. What is your most regrettable '80s fashion choice?

3. What do you typically eat for breakfast?

4. Name five things you cannot love without. (I meant to type "live," but "love" makes it so much more interesting.)

5. What pair of shoes in your closet is getting the most wear these days and why?


Questions for Alyssa:

1. The question that won't go away: You are a superhero. Choose three superpowers, a costume and a theme song.

2. What do you now know about marriage that you didn't know before getting married?

3. When shopping, what color do you find yourself repeatedly drawn to, and why?

4. What would you like to be doing in your life in five years?

5. What pair of shoes in your closet is getting the most wear these days and why?


Remember to post the answers on your blog, and please let me know when you've done it! Also remember to post the rules and interview someone who responds. Thanks for playing...