Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bits and Pieces

I'm not sure if the primary dog is really smart or really a pain. He pooped in the bathtub when I was asleep this morning. Considering that I fed him a different food last night, and taking into account how crazy I get when he poops elsewhere in the house, I'm inclined to think he's pretty smart. Of course, neither the kiddo nor I knew where the mysterious and elusive poop smell was coming from this morning, so we did have to hunt for it. There's nothing like the fear and loathing one has while searching for poop.


Why was I asleep this morning? The kiddo awoke at 3:00 a.m. with a temperature of 101.3F and a dry cough. He was fairly chatty and wanted to play board games; I wanted him to go back to sleep. Then he said he was hungry, so I fixed him something, which he decided not to eat. I gave him some ibuprofen and a tiny dose of Benadryl, and at about 4:30 a.m. he went back to sleep. I finally fell asleep around 5:00 a.m. *yawn* Where's the coffee?


We were supposed to go to the kiddo's dad's 10k run today (so the kiddo could watch), but since it was scheduled to start at 7:30 a.m. and the kiddo is sick, we missed it. It would've been hard to make it there early enough under the best circumstances, so we it was just as well that we didn't go.


Tomorrow: Cheetos, Doritos, guacamole, Bruce, funny commercials...who's actually playing in the Super Bowl, anyway? My son probably knows.


Do you think the fact that the kiddo keeps banging out the melody to "Music of the Night" on the piano means he's ready (i.e., desperate) for lessons? I'm thinking yes. I could try teaching him, but so far I don't have a reason to think he would take my direction well in this field. I tried teaching him the proper fingering to a C scale and he insisted on inventing a "better" way. Lately everything I do seems to be wrong (if you ask the kiddo), so it might be worth it to pay someone else to teach him. At least I'd hear something other than "Music of the Night" for a while. ;^)