Friday, October 10, 2008


I've been idly wondering what to write about, so how about this? The senior adult pastor at work refers to me as "the little girl up front." I'm 42, but he's about 84 years old, so I find it amusing. I know he means it in a good way, as in, "Did you see the posters the little girl in the front made for me this month? She's so creative!" (Yep, he said that.) Pastor F. has a bunch of kids and grandkids and great-grandkids, so he's the quintessential grandfather and I feel a little bit like I have a grandfather now.


The kiddo is in the shower (a few feet from my desk), getting ready for his dad to pick him up. The school district is on a two-week break. What is UP with these breaks?? When I was a kid, we had two weeks off at Christmas, and one week off at Easter. My son has two weeks off in the fall, two weeks off at Christmas, and two weeks off in the spring. And a shorter summer. From a childcare perspective, I'd much prefer it if the kids would stay in school more during the year and have a longer summer. Yech. Anyway, I'm lucky to have the kind of job in which it's okay to bring kids to work (within reason). The kiddo has come with me three days this week (and stayed with his dad the other two days) and hung out while I've gone about my business. He's great company and I got to take him out to lunch each day. Awesome! :-)


I'm a bad dog mommy because I accidentally dropped Suzy. She's nine years old and wary of being crated, so she mostly avoids me when I try to pick her up. However, this morning I was trying to hustle both dogs outside for potty time and she refused to walk past me and out the front door (lest it be a trick - the girl is on to me), so I tried to pick her up and set her outside. She panicked, leapt from my hands and landed a bit on her face (on the carpet) by the front door, then limped outside and held up her little paw. Oy. I scooped her up and cuddled her, carried her downstairs and set her in her potty spot, and she daintily trotted away. All better. Phew.


My son is splashing around in the shower. "What are you doing?" His answer: "Nothing. Well, nothing you should worry about." Okay then.