Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Who Needs Paint Anyway?

Oh, merciful heavens. It's pouring buckets and the kiddo is at his dad's, so I was snuggling with Suzy-dawg for a bit while I watched the hapless hopefuls on American Idol. (Seriously, I'm always SO SAD for the folks who think they can sing and really can't and then they don't get picked and they look so devastated -- AGH!) The Contractor in Charge of Canine Cuteness was so grateful for attention that she insisted on licking my neck despite my protests. I cannot even describe the kind of bad doggie breath she has. It's all kinds of bad. I really think I need a Silkwood scrub-down now. And I see more chlorophyll pills and a dental exam in Suzy's future. Goodness gracious. At least it's not as bad as this morning, when I was innocently working and suddenly caught a whiff of a paint-peeling dog fart. It's a darn good thing she's cute and lets me smoosh her about forty times a day. But I'm just sayin'...