Sunday, September 02, 2007

Ant-a-One, Ant-a-Two...

It's officially ant season. In my house. I naively thought I'd headed them off at the pass when I sprayed Bad Poison (is there any good poison?) all over my deck, but the little critters tricked me by coming in the kitchen window. Good one. Much easier to reach the kitchen trash that way. I don't want to spray poison in the house if I can avoid it, but I'm so not interested in a prolonged battle with these guys for one more summer. And if one more person tells me they're "just looking for water" or "trying to escape the heat," I may have to get violent. (Okay, maybe not really.) But still. There's a lake just a few yards away. Don't they know that? That's where the water is. Yet they insist on coming into the house at this time of year, and they turn up everywhere -- even on my desk (and, as a result, on my arms). What's so exciting about my desk? It's not even near the kitchen; it's upstairs! No food or water here! And they come in via the electrical outlet, which now has a liberal sprinkling of baby powder in and around it. Ant access is one of the reasons I haven't bothered to set up my son's bedroom in here. If I wouldn't want to sleep next to the ant portal, why would I let the kiddo sleep next to it?

Anyway, off to commence Operation Ant Abatement, which is much easier than writing about how lonely and crummy this weekend has been in general, with my son gone and all potential friends seemingly unavailable because they actually have husbands and kids who don't leave every weekend, and therefore are busy doing family things while I rent videos and count ants. This is not the life I signed up for, and yeah, today I'm feeling bitter. Oops, guess I sorta wrote about it. Back to the ants now...