Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Superheroes Unite!

Do you have a superpower? Tell your story at the fray.


I am Madame Multitasker. I can cut carrots into tiny, preschooler-size sticks, conduct a phone interview for a magazine article, file my fingernails, assemble a wooden train layout on the living room floor, supervise the heater repair and check my email intermittently and inside of one hour.

Most days I am called upon to exercise my superpower several times, such as today when I hung Christmas lights outside, made a grilled cheese sandwich, rewound the Charlie Brown Christmas Special four times, edited a proposal, sent out 270 emails promoting a book, bathed a preschooler, cleaned the kitchen and surfed the Net.

As you can see, I use my powers for good — not for evil, contrary to the opinion of the aforementioned preschooler, who tells me he hates baths. Still, sometimes I find I need to exercise my complementary superpower of Falling Asleep on the Couch While Watching TV, which I will most likely do tonight.